Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Corgi Belly UP

OK this is a typical Corgi yoga pose called sleeping belly up Corgi.  Who doesn't love this. Rub the belly, now!!!

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How Iris Got Her Name

Iris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Corgis are known for being stubborn, but I'll be nice and let Mom bark, or talk, for now. OK, Baroo, woof, grrr, Mom. Say what you will say!!

Thanks, Iris. How generous of you to let me post on MY OWN BLOG!!! You should get your own blog. Oh, wait, this is your blog & you just let me use it, right? BOL! Barking out loud!  OK, I will just talk MORE about you! Satisfied? How Iris got he name is a good tale to tell. Eight years ago, Bob & I received money back from the IRS, unheard of for us. We had been looking for a Corgi since our last shelter dog had died. We visited a breeder in Powell, Ohio and found Iris, or Iris found us. She was not part of the new litter to be sold, but she crawled into my lap, turned on her belly, begged for a pettin' and the rest is history. She was called "Peanut" at the time , but named her Iris! No, she is not named for the flower, but for the IRS money that paid for her. She's the best thing we ever received from the goverment!
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing Iris

Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Welsh Corgi Pembroke (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Baroo, woof, grrr! Hi this is really my blog because I’m the star of the show, the house and the books, The Iris Tales. So how does it feel to have all this attention? It’s fun to be me! I can’t wait for you to read all about my adventures: getting lost, trying to behave, chasing the hummingbirds, and dreaming about playing basketball!
First you need to know that I am a SPECIAL dog.  I am a Corgi, or a “wee” dog, as they say in Welsh.  My breed hales from Wales where legend says that Corgis were the steeds of fairies, hence the beautiful white patch on all our backs! (Told ya I was special!)
AND, I am a “fluffy!”  Most Corgis have less fur, so there is even more of me to love and to pet.  Fluff, that’s the stuff that makes me adoooorable!        

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