Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Moon Llyr's Fire Poem

'Tis the weekend of a super moon and the summer solstice. These type of events never phased (get the pun) me before, but now with Iris only in my memoirs and not just a head scratch away on those fluffy wing-spanned ears, it matters. Llyr's Fire was last night and over 1,400+ Corgis, other dogs & some people were named, remembered, and loved. This is the 2nd year of the event started by Caryl Bahner-Guhin to commemorate a courageous Corgi boy, Llyr, who had DM and passed on to the Rainbow Bridge June 21. People all over the US and beyond lit candles, burnt sage leaves, and mourned and took strength together.  God created us all, all creature, "great & small," and they are all important. Here is my poem
Llyr's Fire 

The good folk have joined
Forces with bright beings ^^

Some still smile and run
Others wait for their families
But their cares are gone 
Their pureness perfected by love^^

The candles are lit;the fires burn
Blanking out darkness
Manifesting memories of always being in the NOW ^^

This moment,this night
The veil is thin
Half-way between heaven and earth
The bridge is populating^^

They see the love burning in our hearts
They smell the sage^^ 

We are with them
They are with us^^ 
We remember!

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  1. powerful! heartwarming! thank you Kathy!
    "We remember!"

  2. Awesome and comforting as I sit in a hospice room waiting for a human soul to take the journey into everlasting life.
